Civil Field Project Engineer VIE F/H

Détail de l'offre

Informations générales

Entité de rattachement

VINCI Construction Grands Projets emploie plus de 7 000 collaborateurs et réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 2,5 md€ (données 2021). Héritier d'entreprises centenaires, qui ont associé leurs noms à des références majeures à l'échelle internationale, VINCI Construction Grands Projets maîtrise l'ensemble des savoir-faire liés à la réalisation d'ouvrages complexes.

VINCI Construction Grands Projets conçoit et réalise partout dans le monde de grands ouvrages de génie civil et de bâtiment : infrastructures de transport (ponts et viaducs, travaux souterrains, linéaires de surface et maritimes), bâtiments (tours de bureaux et de logements, parkings, aéroports, ouvrages administratifs et culturels), énergies et oil & gas (réservoirs GNL, centrales thermiques et nucléaires), infrastructures minières (accès, terrassements, travaux souterrains et à ciel ouvert, génie civil), infrastructures hydrauliques (barrages, stations de pompage et de traitement des eaux usées, distribution et évacuation des eaux) et environnement (systèmes d'assainissement et d'amélioration des réseaux d'eau potable, centres d'enfouissement technique).

Le haut niveau d'expertise de VINCI Construction Grands Projets et sa forte capacité d'ingénierie et de management de projets vont de pair avec une organisation réactive et une politique de partenariat avec les entreprises locales, lui permettant de déployer des solutions à la fois globales et modulables.  


Civil Field Project Engineer VIE-100620  

Date de parution


Description du poste


INGENIERIE / ETUDES / METHODES - Ingenieur planning

Intitulé du poste

Civil Field Project Engineer VIE F/H

Type de contrat


Présentiel / télétravail ?

Sur site

Durée du contrat

12 mois


Employé/Technicien/Agent de maîtrise

Fourchette de salaire

25-34 k€

Description de la mission

The Civil Field Project Engineer will assume responsibility for the preparation and the follow up of civil works detailed in the approved documentation (drawings, specifications, procedures…) as per Project Quality, HSE and schedule requirements and will help the construction manager in the preparation and the documentation linked to specific activities.

Activities : 

- Project Organisation 

  • Support the construction team in its daily tasks and responsibilities
  • Participate and ensure the respect of the project schedule
  • Participate to progress and follow-up meetings
  • Reports any deviation, problem, and quality issue immediately
  • Monitoring of cost / schedule and resources for the project
  • Communication with ENVI representatives in regard to his responsibilities
  • Coordination of work area with vendors, subcontractors, ENVI and other companies
  • Coordinate and monitor construction work and controls
  • Presence on site during working hours
  • Tracking of the material and equipment needs to perform works as per schedule requirements including ENVI Free Issue Material
  • Advise the management, if a delay is likely to occur, or occurs
  • Follow-up field designs in accordance with projects agreements
  • Follow-up of project construction Quality Control requirements including in-process surveillance and inspection and testing of completed installations to ensure that project quality requirements are being met.
  • Follow-up punch lists of incomplete work
  • Provide technical direction to construction subcontractors
  • Maintain close contact with all persons on site to ensure free flow of information, and prompt application of decisions done by JV management
  • Follow up and track & validate mark-up drawings

- Representation 

  • Attends the necessary site meetings to fulfill his task and responsibilities
    Is active member of the JV ENVI
  • Reports to Construction Manager

- Quality, Health and Safety

  • Ensures the application of the HSEQ system of the project:
  • Ensure the implementation of the Shema productive in Safe (Toolbox, pretask, prestart)
  • Stops works if considered as dangerous for health, safety or live of the workers
  • Inspect work site daily.  Set a personal example
  • Integrate safety requirements into all work activity
  • Positively re-enforce safe work methods
  • Maintain the highest level of housekeeping in the workplace
  • Correct unsafe situations and conditions and report them to field engineer and HSE team
  • Report to his Management and HSE management unsafe conditions or activity that they are unable to resolve
  • Report all accidents, near miss to HSE manager and participate in all investigation processes
  • Demonstrating its concern for HSE by personal example and commitment



  • Knowledge of civil engineering and construction projects
  • In possession of a VOL-VCA diploma would be a plus
  • English reading, written and speaking is a must
  • Knowing to read drawings

    Familiar with Microsoft 365 (Outlook, Excel, Powerpoint, Word)

    Team player
    Interested in acquiring new skills
    Interest to work in a highly complex environment
    Interest in working with an international team.

The employee will undertake to carry out his duties in accordance with the laws of the applicable country but also to respect the ethical principles and rules of VINCI Group and in particular the code of ethics, the Anti-corruption Code of conduct and the Human Rights Guidelines which will be provided to him.

The employee will refrain from any type of behavior likely to characterize acts of corruption or influence peddling.

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

Joining Vinci Construction Grands Projets offers the chance to work on major, innovative infrastructure projects worldwide. It’s an opportunity to develop cutting-edge technical skills, thrive in a dynamic environment, and pursue an international career with a company renowned for its expertise and commitment to sustainability

Critères candidat

Niveau d'études min. requis

Bac +5

Niveau d'expérience min. requis



Anglais (C1 (maitrise))

Localisation du poste

Localisation du poste

Europe, Pays Bas

OUI = j'exclus l'adresse NON = je n'exclus pas l'adresse


Adresse & Ville

Maasvlakte, Pays-Bas